SC Art Group - Membership Info

New membership enquiries welcome 

Sunshine Coast Art Group membership fees – 2024/25:

Annual Membership – 1 July to 30 June
    $100  – Individual #
   $190  – Family (2 adults over 18yrs)

           #  Reduced fees apply if join after 1 January 2025:
           Join: 1 Jan to 30 March – Fee is $60
           Join: 1 Apr to 30 June – Fee $15 per mth to 30 June

Visitor / Casual Membership – 3 mths date join
$40 – Individual membership only

    Attendance fee of $2 per session payable by all members

Benefits of SCArt Membership

Come along and enjoy the many benefits SCArt membership provides:

  • Weekly member group sessions (untutored).
  • Regular classes and various workshops are held during the year.
  • Two well equipped studio workshops. Pottery studio has hand building work spaces, wheels, gas/electric/Raku kilns, extruder, slab roller, etc.  The Painting studio accommodates all other artistic mediums.
  • Opportunity to exhibit and sell your art works at the club’s annual Exhibitions and Art Markets.
  • Welcoming and supportive atmosphere where you can express your creativity in whatever your chosen medium or skill level.

Our club is 100% run by volunteers so all our members are encouraged to volunteer from time to time to ensure the continued operation of the club and to keep our annual membership fees to a minimum.

Interested in joining ?  

If you are interested in joining SCArt please contact our Membership Officer to have a chat. 

Send an email to: