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We are a social, self-guided sewing group.  We bring along our project for the day and enjoy a few uninterrupted hours of sewing, chatting, and sharing ideas.

Most of us are dressmakers, but some of us are quilters, and some make craft items too.  Our members have a wealth of knowledge in dressmaking, alterations, pattern making and fitting, and general sewing knowledge that we are all happy to share.

We do not run classes or offer instruction but we are all happy to help each other and offer suggestions to guide you along
your sewing journey.

We meet on the first, third, and fifth (if there is one) Saturday of the month at SCArt.   Starting about 10am, and finishing about 4pm.

There is a $2 fee to attend, and you are welcome to attend 2 meetings before you are required to become a member of SCArt if you wish to continue.

We all bring our own sewing machines, equipment, and projects.  Our group provides electric cables and power boards, cutting-out tables, irons and ironing boards, and we have recently purchased an overlocker for general use.  SCArt provides tea and coffee and biscuits. 

You are welcome to come and have a look around and a chat or bring your project and sewing machine for a sewing day (plus $2 for the day fee). 

Let me know when you are coming, and I will keep an eye out for you, and make sure there is a table, if you wish to sew. We have about 18 tables and a Registration system to ensure there is room for those who wish to sew.

Most of us are members of the Australian Sewing Guild, although this is no longer a requirement.  You do need to become members of the Sunshine Coast Arts Group (SCArt) to attend on a regular basis.

Sewing enthusiasts sessions for members

1st, 3rd (& 5th) Sat of month – 10am to 4pm


Claire – or phone 0419 968 107.

1 William Parker Place Buderim 4556

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